A volunteer and collaborative effort to bring information about shared microscopy facilities to the University of Arizona and the community.

General Microscopy Information

Selected Professional Societies
Microscopy & Imaging Vendor Resources

These sites are terrific resources for tracking down vendor web sites.

WWW Resources

These pages could best be described as "lists of links" covering a wide range of microscopy-related topics.

Email Listservers

Listservers are email discussion groups dedicated to a specific area of interest. Members of a listserv can be an invaluable resource for solving technical problems. For more information on how to join one of these lists, follow the link. (* - members of the SWEHSC can post questions to the starred lists by contacting the Cellular Imaging Facility Core)

Reviewed & updated 01/25/2021. Creation of this web page was originally supported as part of the Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center at the University of Arizona, NIEHS P30 ES006694.