A volunteer and collaborative effort to bring information about shared microscopy facilities to the University of Arizona and the community.

Free Software Carpentry Workshop (Feb 17-18, 2024)

As computing skills are becoming increasingly important and essential for research scientists, the Software and Data Carpentry foundations (now: “The Carpentries”, http://carpentries.org/) have been playing major roles in developing professional development in practical and technical computing. Since 1998 volunteers have been teaching researchers in science, engineering, medicine, and related disciplines the essential computing skills they need to get more done in less time, and with less pain.

The BIO5 Institute, CyVerse, the University Libraries and the D7|Data Science Institute will again present this successful workshop in February 2024 in-person at the University of Arizona.

The workshop targets graduate students, postdocs, technicians, and faculty; undergraduate students can be admitted if space is available. Learn the foundational skills necessary to be productive in a small research teams, including: navigating the command line/Unix, programming in R/R-Studio, and version control with git/GitHub.

Workshop participation is free. For more info visit the workshop URLs provided in the listings above.

Apply A.S.A.P. as our workshops tend to fill fast!

Want to learn more about the “Carpentries?” Visit http://software-carpentry.org/faq.html.

Please contact Uwe Hilgert at hilgert@bio5.org if you have questions about this great opportunity.

Workshop:     Basic Computational Skills, incl. Unix, R/R-Studio, & git/GitHub
Cost:               FREE
What:             Software/Data Carpentry Workshop (in-person mode)
Who:              Practicing and aspiring research scientists with little or no experience in working on the command line, programming & version control
When:           February 17 & 18, 2024  (Two full weekend days)
Where:          University of Arizona, Tucson Campus
Apply:           https://bit.ly/476LJXY
Event URL:    https://bit.ly/3NAaaGi