A volunteer and collaborative effort to bring information about shared microscopy facilities to the University of Arizona and the community.

iLab - Frequently Asked Questions

The RII Imaging Cores (Optical, Electron, Translational BioImaging Resesource) have all moved to iLab for instrument scheduling and service requests. For instructions about registering an account, help for PIs & lab managers, reserving equipment, and more, download this UA iLab tutorial PDF (updated December 2018).

The RII Core facilities business office has three very helpful YouTube channels with UA specific iLab instruction videos. The recommended video order (You are welcome to pick and choose as needed):

Managing Your Lab Group in iLab, University of Arizona

  1. What is a Lab Group and Why Do I Have to Manage Account Permissions?
  2. How to Navigate to Your Lab Group
  3. How to Approve Lab Membership Requests as a PI
  4. How to Add a Registered iLab User to Your Lab Group
  5. How to set an Expiry Date on a Lab Member's Group Membership
  6. How to Request Access to Additional UAccess Financials Accounts
  7. How to Grant UAccess Financial Account Access to Lab Members
  8. How to Grant Permission to Use Core Facility Pilot Program CFPP Funds
  9. How to Remove an Account from a iLab Group
  10. How to Disable or Enable a UAccess Financials Account in Your Lab Group
  11. How to Remove Lab Members from Your Lab Group
  12. How to Find Your Invoice in iLab
  13. How to Change Accounts, Split Fund, or Add a Project Code to Charges on an Invoice
  14. How to View Requests for Your Lab Group Across All Cores
  15. How to View Requests to Add an Account to a Lab Group
  16. How to Accept or Reject a Request to Add an Account to a Lab Group Received via Email
Other RII Core Facilities have their own YouTube channels (not as directly iLab related). See the Cryogenics & Compressed Gas facility and the UA Genetics Core.
Like many online UA services, accessing iLab will require UA NetID+ two-factor authentication. There may come a day when you leave your phone at home, or the battery dies. Follow these instructions to create a list of one time use passcodes to get you into UA NetID when your phone isn't available.


UA iLab - https://ua.ilab.agilent.com