A volunteer and collaborative effort to bring information about shared microscopy facilities to the University of Arizona and the community.

Grad students - please participate in this national survey on image ethics

A group at Clemson University is conducting an interview study to look for connections between digital imaging ethics and the development of self-efficacy as a light microscopist. You can think about microscopy self-efficacy as how comfortable and confident you feel when using a microscope. Our goal is to identify ways to improve training and education in light microscopy.

Our population of interest is graduate students in science and engineering programs in the United States who use fluorescent light microscopy to answer a research question. If you meet these criteria, you are invited to participate in our research study. Students currently enrolled at Clemson University will be excluded from the study.

Your participation would mean that we would schedule an interview with you on Zoom. The interview is expected to last about 30 to 45 minutes. We will work around your schedule. If you are invited to participate in the study and you complete the interview, you will be provided with a $25 incentive card as appreciation for your time. Visit this Qualtrics website to complete a pre-study questionnaire.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact (email links) Ms. Rhonda Powell or Dr. Matthew Boyer.