Nikon N-STORM Super Resolution Microscope

The Nikon “Storm” system is our super resolution microscope, capable of achieving 20nm XY and 50nm Z resolution (10x increase in resolution than a widefield fluorescence microscope). STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) is our most advanced imaging modality offered at the MSR and requires a consultation with our MSR team prior to experimentation and sample preparation. This instrument is also capable of acquiring 3D STORM images and is currently optimized to image two fluorescence channels (488nm and 647nm).
Due to the nature of this advanced technique, the Storm system is assisted-use only and the MSR will provide optimized protocols and imaging buffers for users.
Featured Capabilities:
- Super resolution imaging (10x resolution)
- 3D STORM (with astigmatism lens)
- Optimized for 2-channel STORM imaging (488nm and 647nm)