A volunteer and collaborative effort to bring information about shared microscopy facilities to the University of Arizona and the community.

Microscopy Shared Resource (UACC)

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The Microscopy Shared Resource (MSR) is an advanced microscopy facility located at the UA Cancer Center, servicing the immediate needs and future demands of biomedical and translational researchers.

The MSR provides several advanced instruments and services for all UA researchers, including confocal microscopy, super resolution microscopy, slide scanning, live cell imaging, multiphoton and intravital imaging, advanced image analysis, and much more. In addition to providing advanced instrumentation and imaging services, the core facility is a model of academic collaboration. MSR provides a space for on-site workshops, imaging seminars highlighting cutting-edge imaging approaches, demonstrations of next components/instruments, and support to the broader imaging community by building an “imaging culture” on campus.

UA Cancer Center, rooms 0955, 0960, 0962, 0964, 0979 (Salmon building, the east side of UACC)

Contact the Shared Resource for acknowledgement text. As an NIH P30 center, it is crucial that users of this Shared Resource acknowledge the support of the Cancer Center Support Grant (P30 CA023074).

Pixels and Pipettes #1 - "Scientific Imaging and Analysis for Biomedical Research - Introduction to Image Analysis Tools and Methods "

  • Presentation recording and slides (BOX) and Fiji Macros (BOX) Note: The slide showing the different Binary Operations (And, Or, Having, etc.) has been updated with corrections. The Venn diagrams I showed did not all correspond to the correct title. The recording will have out of date information, but the slides are corrected.


Core Staff
Ghassan (Gus) Mouneimne, PhD Director, UACC Microscopy Shared Resource 520-626-4616 gmouneimne@arizona.edu
Marco Padilla-Rodriguez, PhD Manager, UACC Microscopy Shared Resource 520-626-6041 marco@arizona.edu
David Jones Jr Staff, UACC Microscopy Shared Resource djonesjr@arizona.edu
University of Arizona Cancer Center wordmark

This facility is administered by the University of Arizona Cancer Center (NCI P30 CA023074), Tucson, Arizona.