Optical Microscopy & Imaging in the Biomedical Sciences - August 2023 (Woods Hole, MA)
This course is designed primarily for research scientists, postdoctoral trainees, core facility directors/staff and graduate students working in the biological sciences. Non-biologists seeking a comprehensive introduction to microscopy and digital imaging in the biomedical sciences will also benefit greatly from this course. The 9-day course is limited to 24 participants to ensure a truly interactive, hands-on experience. It consists of interrelated lectures, laboratory exercises, demonstrations, and discussions that will enable the participants to obtain and interpret high quality microscope data, to understand and assess potential artifacts, to perform quantitative optical measurements, and to generate digital images for documentation and analysis that accurately present the data. The course also places a strong emphasis on appropriate sample preparation, including choice of fluorescent probes and fluorescent proteins, and tissue clearing and refractive index matching. Particular emphasis will be placed on ‘picking the right tool for the job’.
Website: https://www.mbl.edu/education/advanced-research-training-courses/course…
Date: August 14-24, 2023 (application deadline May 11, 2023)
Location: Woods Hole Marine Biological Lab, MA