A volunteer and collaborative effort to bring information about shared microscopy facilities to the University of Arizona and the community.

University of Arizona: microscopy-related News & Events (historical)

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Atomic Force Microscopy workshop - July 2023 University of Arizona, Workshop

The 2023 CBC Keck Center AFM workshop is open to all UA students and researchers who will be using Atomic Force microscopy for their research projects. Lab attendance is limited to 12 and preference will be given to new AFM users. Lecture attendance is… more

OMERO (image data management server software) hands-on workshop - Aug 2023 University of Arizona, Workshop

If you have worked with image data for long you are probably aware that there are dozens of specialty file formats, many of which cannot be easily opened in commercial software. In addition, microscopy data has become more complex, with multiple focal… more

Congratulations to AIMS student poster awards winners! Announcement, University of Arizona

At the March 3, 2023 annual meeting of the Arizona Imaging & Microanalysis Society (AIMS) held in Flagstaff, AZ, the following UA students came home with poster prizes.

Congratulations to Patty Jansma for her 2023 MSA award! Announcement, University of Arizona

Patty Jansma, MS has been named the winner of the 2023 Hildegard H. Crowley Award, given by the Microscopy Society of America. The awards… more

neaSCOPE for Nanoscale Optical Material Characterization (Mar 14, 2023) seminar Seminar, University of Arizona

The neaSCOPE in physics has newly been installed and is available for new users.  Learn about what it has to offer in this special seminar!

Title: neaSCOPE for Nanoscale Optical Material Characterization with 10 nm… more

RII Core Facilities Pilot Program - May 2023 Deadline Internal funding announcement, University of Arizona

The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core… more

Leica Stellaris 5 webinar (Jan 19) & on-site demonstration (Jan 31- Feb 2, 2023) On-site demonstration, University of Arizona

Leica Microsystems will be offering an introductory webinar and then an on-site demonstration of their Stellaris 5 confocal microscope. See their flier for more details… more

Evident (Olympus) on-site demonstration - January 27, 2023 (COM-PHX) On-site demonstration, University of Arizona

Evident (Olympus) will be demonstrating their APEXVIEW APX100 all-in-one microscope for life science at the UA College of Medicine - Phoenix and at the ReImagine Health Symposium.

Dates: COM-PHX (Jan 24-26), Symposium (Jan 27)… more

New Technologies in Flow Cytometry workshop - Jan 2023 University of Arizona, Workshop

The RII Flow Cytometry Shared Resource invites you to come learn about new technologies available in their lab. Lunch will be provided.


  • 10:00am-11:45am - ImageStream (imaging flow cytometer),… more
RII Core Facilities Pilot Program - February 2023 Deadline Internal funding announcement, University of Arizona

The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the… more