A volunteer and collaborative effort to bring information about shared microscopy facilities to the University of Arizona and the community.

University of Arizona: microscopy-related News & Events (historical)

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Open house (Oct 20) - UACC Microscopy Shared Resource Open House, University of Arizona

The UA Cancer Center's Microscopy Shared Resource (MSR) will be hosting an open house on Friday, October 20, 2023. There will be two parts, an informational session about the MSR and the actual open house.

Informational Session… more

Please help - Important Survey for Optical Microscopy users (closes Oct 27) University of Arizona

The RII Imaging Cores – Optical core facility and the UACC Microscopy Shared Resource request your feedback on an important survey. Please assist us in making informed, strategic… more

MSA Student Council Strategic Initiative Travel Award - available Announcement, University of Arizona

In partnership with the Microscopy Society of America, the MSA Student Council has launched a new Strategic Initiative to fund student travel to Local Affiliated Society meetings or other microscopy-related workshops outside of the annual MSA… more

Bio-Sciences in Quantum workshop @ U of A (Aug 10-11, 2023) University of Arizona, Workshop

Do you have an interest in biophysics or optics and wonder how it might benefit your biological research? You might want to take a look at the upcoming more

RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Nov 1, 2023 deadline Internal funding announcement, University of Arizona

Description: The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-… more

Introducing the Zeiss Axio Observer 7 inverted microscope with Apotome III Announcement, University of Arizona
Kuiper Imaging Core to analyze OSIRIS-REx samples Announcement, University of Arizona

The Kuiper Materials Imaging and Characterization Facility will be performing extensive analyses on samples from the… more

Keyence BZ microscope on-site demonstration (Aug 24, 2023) On-site demonstration, University of Arizona

Keyence will be doing an on-site demonstration of their BZ-X800 series all-in-one fluorescence microscope. This compact system has many capabilities, come and see for yourself. Contact Morgen Richardson (below) to schedule a demonstration with your… more

2023 Equipment Enhancement Fund (due Sept 27, 2023) Internal funding announcement, University of Arizona

These grants are designed to add or augment research capacity through the acquisition of equipment for use by multiple investigators in shared facilities or approved more

RII Core Facility Pilot Grants - Aug 3, 2023 deadline Internal funding announcement, University of Arizona

The RII Core Facilities Pilot Program is designed to support three key types of activity within the RII-managed core facilities. Each CFPP proposal will be evaluated on scientific merit and feasibility, and should focus on one or more of the following… more