A volunteer and collaborative effort to bring information about shared microscopy facilities to the University of Arizona and the community.

K-12 Educational sites

On this page:  History  |  On-line Adventures  |  Introduction to Optics & Microscopy  |  Curricula & Lesson plans  |  WWW Resources  |  Amateur Microscopy  |  Buying a Microscope
History of Microscopy

The microscope opened our eyes to a previously unseen world. See some of these interesting historical narratives for more of the history of microscopes:

Old microscopes evidence a kind of beauty that comes from the craftsmanship of their makers. Here are several places to see images of old microscopes:

On-line Adventures in Microscopy

Here are some fun places to visit that use microscopy:

An Introduction to Optics & Microscopy

Optics can be a complex subject for K-12 students. Here are some interesting sites that keep the physics to a manageable level:

Curricula, lesson plans & other resources

Here are some microscopy and/or imaging related materials for teachers:

WWW Resources

These sites include links to other useful microscopy & biology related web sites:

Amateur Microscopy

For those interested in microscopy as a hobby:

  • Microscopy-UK (probably one of the best amateur microscopy sites out there, with a great deal of helpful information for the new hobbyist)
Buying a Microscope

These links are for teachers or hobbyists interested in advice about purchasing a microscope:

Reviewed & updated 07/17/2017. Creation of this web page was originally supported as part of the Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center at the University of Arizona, NIEHS P30 ES006694.