A volunteer and collaborative effort to bring information about shared microscopy facilities to the University of Arizona and the community.

Light Microscopy

On this page:  Properties of light  |  Light Microscopy Concepts

Properties of Light & Introductory Optics

The Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer is a world-class microscopy web site from Florida State University (principal authors: Michael W. Davidson, FSU & Mortimer Abramowitz, Olympus America Inc.). They have an extensive series of tutorials on Light & Color. Direct links to their excellent tutorials are provided here for easy access:

Other Optics Resources:

Light Microscopy

The Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer web site (Florida State University) has a number of excellent tutorials on light microscopy.

Direct links to their tutorials are provided here for easy access:

Basic Concepts in Optical Microscopy Specialized Microscopy Techniques

Other Light Microscopy Resources:

Reviewed & updated 07/17/2017. Creation of this web page was originally supported as part of the Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center at the University of Arizona, NIEHS P30 ES006694.