The RII Imaging Cores - Optical facility is a scientific core facility with two locations (Marley and Life Sciences North) dedicated to the acquisition of images for research, industrial and clinical applications. We offer training and multi-user access to high quality state-of-the-art technologies and cost effective analytical services.
The Marley location features an inverted point scanning confocal microscope, an upright confocal/multiphoton microscope with superresolution capabilities, a fluorescence stereo microscope and a research quality microwave. The manager for this location is Patty Jansma.
The Life Sciences North location features a dedicated superresolution fluoresence microscope (structured illumination, SIM), an inverted multifunction widefield microscope (color brightfield, polarized light, fluorescence), an inverted multifunction widefield microscope capable of "confocal-like" images in thinner samples (color brightfield, polarized light, fluorescence), and an image analysis workstation. The manager for this location is Doug Cromey.
The core facility provides training and support for users from the University of Arizona and the community on a fee-for-service basis.
Facility Email:
Life Sciences North rooms 410 & 429
Marley suite 101
RII Core Facilities policy regarding acknowledging cores and staff -
University of Arizona - UA RII Imaging Cores - Optical core facility, RRID:SCR_023355
Our YouTube channel (freely available training materials)
Core Staff | |||
Doug Cromey, MS | Co-Manager, RII Imaging Cores - Optical | 520-626-2824 | |
Patty Jansma, MS | Co-Manager, RII Imaging Cores - Optical | 520-621-5097 | |

This facility is administered by the Core Facilities department of the Office for Research, Innovation and Impact at the University of Arizona.